Be Careful What You Fish For Sgt Billy


10 days later...and here we are, marooned on a desert island somewhere in the south pacific. Let's rewind for a moment. So i was watching how epoxy resin Underwater model dioramas are created on YouTube some time ago, here's an image of what i'm talking about,


I kind of got a little obsessed watching these dioramas being created and the process in the making, then i pondered the idea, ''can i replicate this kind of Diorama on paper? Well it did take many hours of figuring this little conundrum out. I started doing some Basic Sketch work or my usual reference storyboard, which is very chaotic but like the A-Team? ''the plan always come together''.

Before i start any major detailed line hatch drawing, I'll set down on paper some pencil Reference Sketches, i'll use a single piece of A4 paper, an HB pencil only for these basic reference bullet points. These ideas are either sketched directly from the mindseye to paper or if there's a feature or object i'm not to familiar with? i'll use a photo reference to sketch ideas down. i can usually sketch anything down without any image reference. Here's those basic reference sketch ideas on paper i normally use below -

Sketch Refboard

Pure Chaos on one sheet of white paper, it's how i work, process after process not just one set's always the beginnings of a basic sketch that leads to greater outcomes.

Once the reference ideas are complete? then like any jigsaw puzzle, i'll start to create the scene by piecing all these ideas i have together, once that is complete. i'll take a photo of he drawing, sketches, then uploaded into a very good arts tool box, krita, (the best and free) and with my wacom and pen, just finish the drawing off for the perfect result and boom bang set me free, 9 to 10 days later after many smokes, (i know it's a bad habit) and some strong coffee, the drawing is complete.

I tend to get overly obsessed with fine detailing on features with the line hatching, every little area has to be perfectly shaded and highlighted with various patterns within each object and feature, if not? oh those men in white coats will arrive !...well no, i'll just feel the drawing is a disaster and then take a long walk off a short pier.

So back to the scene. the story is a little thin, because the drawing speaks bigger volumes than my storytelling..but anyways, I was wondering about what if a superhero type character was unfortunately washed up on an island in the middle of the South pacific ocean? an unknown location..far from any main land mass and all that's available on that island are palm trees, Coconuts, golden sandy shores, the odd giant poisonous crab , Plenty of fruit, Birds that makes Wahoooogah noises constantly and a deep lagoon, sounds lovely to me..other than the birds making odd noises, it's a perfect paradise..

But what about a superhero? they need that constant attention, they have an ego larger than mount rushmore, they need to be heroic 24\7, fighting crime for truth, justice, saving the cat stuck in a tree but what about Sgt Billy D bastian the Enabler? code name White Rabbit? ok so he can be a supervillain but that all depends on the mission, he's really a true life hero, he just doesn't want anyone to think he actually a good soul..i mean, he dresses like a giant rabbit, and as we know, rabbits are adorable right? but here he is, on an island and nothing to fight for, no one to talk too..could drive a guy insane..

could make guy get real lonely and Billy loves cats,and a guy can get hungry - surviving on Fruit and coconuts is no way to live..he's marooned ! the superhero suit he usually wears has perished over time, he's like a cranky muscular robinson Crusoe now with no cigarette to smoke the stresses always... all he has left is his Bunny mask, a ragged pair of shorts - some twine, a special forces Knife.

So billy decides to make a fishing rod out of some long robust tree branches, fixes the twine to the rod and starts to fish in the lagoon, thinking about bow legged women and his army off cats..he places his Bunny mask on a wooden stick to remind him of who he was and just sits on a Rock waiting for a bite....waiting....and singing under his breath...

Got a whale of a tale to tell ya, lads
A whale of a tale or two
'Bout the flappin' fish and the girls I've loved
On nights like this with the moon above
A whale of a tale, and it's all true
I swear by my knife tattoo
There was Mermaid Minnie
Met her down in Madagascar
She would kiss me
Any time that I would ask her
Then one evening, her flame of love blew out
Blow me down and pick me up!
She swapped me for a trout...

Above the surface Billy Sits.....below the surface a mermaid relaxes, a Giant fish with extremely sharp teeth approaches, i think that's the mermaids pet and pirates treasure worth a king's ransom and a skull from the last victim the mermaid lured into the lagoon.. ...funny old world..I know the story falls a bit flat because i simply ran out of ideas..but for me? the drawing is complete and i'm happy with the result.
The Character Billy D Bunny is the creation of this artist DavisPK and the fishing aspect idea came from one of the artists drawings, see below:

 Sgt Billy Bastian, '' the Enabler'' code name white rabbit i did draw some time ago, again a version of DavisPK original Enabler Character. drawing and info below of thatdrawing I created, click it and read away. 

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