El - O - El - A!
My Own Serenade to the Weirder Elements of Furry Fandom
(No prize for guessing the tune)
I went to a Con, there was no one I knew...
Then a five foot rabbit plush loomed into view,
It was Lola...
L-o-l-a, Lola...
A guy held her tight, it looked like she would squeak...
He had bags 'neath his eyes, hadn't bathed in a week
With his Lola...
L-o-l-a, Lola...
Lo-lo-lo Lola...
So I shook Lola's paw, and asked 'How do you do?'"
I was flat on my backside, next thing that I knew...
The guy gave a shriek, like he'd had a great scare,
He said, "'Back off freak, and don't mess with my hare!"
"'My dear Lola..."
Lola, L-o-l-a, Lola...
Lo-lo-lo Lola...
Well, the crowd was big, there was always a crush,
But that weird pig just kept lugging the plush,
And I wondered what had brought that guy that fate.
He had a stuffed rabbit, not that much of a date...
And the end, when it came was a horrible doom...
When the TV Cameras barged into his room and saw Lola...
L-o-l-a, Lola...
Lo-lo-lo Lola...
It all made the news!
They raided the con!
I got myself gone!
And they took him away...
But I was the one that heard him say...
He said, 'Hey, so I'm dating a five foot stuffed hare,
You all could have asked, I was willing to share,
My dear Lola...
Lola, L-o-l-a, Lola...
Lo-lo-lo Lola...
Lo-lo-lo Lola...
Lola, L-o-l-a, Lola...
Lo-lo-lo Lola...
Lo-lo-lo Lola...
(No prize for guessing the tune)
I went to a Con, there was no one I knew...
Then a five foot rabbit plush loomed into view,
It was Lola...
L-o-l-a, Lola...
A guy held her tight, it looked like she would squeak...
He had bags 'neath his eyes, hadn't bathed in a week
With his Lola...
L-o-l-a, Lola...
Lo-lo-lo Lola...
So I shook Lola's paw, and asked 'How do you do?'"
I was flat on my backside, next thing that I knew...
The guy gave a shriek, like he'd had a great scare,
He said, "'Back off freak, and don't mess with my hare!"
"'My dear Lola..."
Lola, L-o-l-a, Lola...
Lo-lo-lo Lola...
Well, the crowd was big, there was always a crush,
But that weird pig just kept lugging the plush,
And I wondered what had brought that guy that fate.
He had a stuffed rabbit, not that much of a date...
And the end, when it came was a horrible doom...
When the TV Cameras barged into his room and saw Lola...
L-o-l-a, Lola...
Lo-lo-lo Lola...
It all made the news!
They raided the con!
I got myself gone!
And they took him away...
But I was the one that heard him say...
He said, 'Hey, so I'm dating a five foot stuffed hare,
You all could have asked, I was willing to share,
My dear Lola...
Lola, L-o-l-a, Lola...
Lo-lo-lo Lola...
Lo-lo-lo Lola...
Lola, L-o-l-a, Lola...
Lo-lo-lo Lola...
Lo-lo-lo Lola...
( Wendy Terwilleger)
Giant plush rabbit property of Build A Bear.
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