The Animal Paint Book


 A surprise gift from a very good artist that I know.  Simon and Schuster, 1955.  Those are real watercolors, I have never seen one of these before.   In pristine condition these sell for 25 dollars, meaning that in 66 years the price has gone up a hundred fold.

The palette, visible through the holes in the cover.

As can be seen, someone's kid used the paints. 

Then he got bored with it and the book sat by the old record albums for fifty years.

Yeah, the tiger is thinking, I'm going to paint this pretty with blood!

Lions and Tigers and Bears.

'Borrowed' is how I would describe it as well.

Fox is leaning against a tree making no effort to hide.  I guess all these animals are vegetarians.

The artist is Hans Helweg.

What an awesome unexpected present.  My otherwise dismal Saturday has been saved! 
 Thanks, Andy, thanks a million.  This is just too hip.

 And...he lost his hat.


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