First Mentioned By Chaucer

     This is my take on little bunny Foo-Foo, aka little rabbit Fu-Fu.  Here he is scooping up a field mouse and is about to bop 'im on the head.  There is no good fairy to be seen, as that would be silly.  Besides, Foo-Foo is already a goon, in this case a Teamster. 
     Few Few Rabbit first appears in "The Knight's Tale", and shows up in some Shakespeare something or the other.  This song gave me the creeps in Boy Scouts, and it bothers me now.  I much preferred the life and times of the 2 J. J. Jingleheimer Schmidts, as their name is my name too.  While lacking the depth and structure of Row Row Row your boat, it had such a good story.  I wonder what happened to them?

Fuck!  (I've been had)!  11/19/2018 -

I'm gonna bop someone on the head.


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