Devil's Night

Witch's Sabbat, Francisco Goya.  La Quinta de Sordo.  Oil on plaster, transferred to canvas.  El Prado, Madrid.

The Thing From Another World.  1951, d. Howard Hawks.

Elsa Lanchester, Bride of Frankenstein. d. James Whale

In the weeks and hours leading up to Halloween back in my boyhood the television stations would run hours of great old horror movies.  Even the bad ones I loved and still do.  We would have lots of this:

Vincent Price, The Last Man on Earth.  This is a nightmare scene where he brings his wife's body to the always burning pit.   Mediocre but stylish, Italian-wise. Then:

The Haunting, 1963.  This is the most terrifying scene ever filmed.  I saw this in Richardson, Tx, c. 1966.

Vampyre, 1932.  Growing up around Dallas I was fortunate as the local PBS station, Channel 13, was one of the more forward and innovative stations in the US.  They were the first to regularly air Monty Python. They showed a lot of great arthouse movies, and I was lucky to be able to see these at such a young age.
  And, of course-

Isle of the Dead.  Boris Karloff in the prow.

Isle of the Dead, Arnold Bocklin. 1886.

Haxen. d. Benjamin Christensen, 1922.
I had the artistic bar set extremely high at a very young age.
 Happy Halloween!


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