In The Wind

I lust for real power!

     Leaving social media, Google +, has been a real shocker for me.  I was getting over one hundred thousand views a month and this was very gratifying.  Not all of it was my artwork, I was on a couple of Dark Art sites where I would post other artist's pictures. Also I was on a Rockabilly site or two, but mostly I was putting up my own artwork, such as it is.
     And catching hell for it.  Lots of folk put up their art and I did not see any of them spark the abuse that I was getting. My guess is that my style irritates those raised on computer aided art.  I grew up on hand drawn comics and learned to appreciate ability at a very early age.  I can remember talking about Jack Kirby in 1965, although I did not know his name.
     Many of my pics illustrate historical events, small those may be.  Others were just drawings done for my own amusement, mainly of the vanity of my character Billy, a feckless rabbit with delusions of superiority.  Yet this seemed to really set off some folks out there.
     Critique is one thing, insult is another.
     I am a good artist who works at getting better with every drawing. I am in the furry genre because it is easy and fun.  "Good" means the ability to express exactly what I intend in my drawings, nothing else.  Anthro cartoons, ads, and art have been part of my life always.  I enjoy what I do.  I have never earned a nickel off of it, and have never asked for money for it.  I see people who have a long, long way to go asking for, and getting, payment for things I find bad.  Whaddya know.

      I am slowly going through my blog and taking down my less skilled work.  I have always liked this picture because the bunny looks like he is really walking.  It is also how I feel about life in general.
     It was necessary to leave Google + because I was living a lie.  All those hits were generated out of the huge amount of users clicking on things, not because anyone particularly likes my stuff.
     So I am alone.  Oh well, better to rule in Hell.
     I'm Doing Super, Thanks For Asking!


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