
Showing posts from April, 2016

Wally Wood Does Disney!

Disney decided not to sue over this, because they wisely decided that it was best to let it lie.  When someone like Wally Wood attacks you, the best action is inaction.  But this brought the full corporate wrath down on the perps, and with good reason: Deliberate provocation and the creators, some of the very best in the comic business, should have known better.  I guess they did not care. This story is far too well known for me to go on about it here.  But as funny as this is, and as talented as these artists were and are, they were in the wrong.  I think that this cover is by the amazing Bobby London, and he does work for Disney now.   The original Big Little Book illustration. Myself, I have learned to be careful what I wish for! The amazing Bobby London, Air Pirate extraordinaire. Jock Lindsey, Raiders of the Lost Ark. The back of his shirt has "Air Pirates" printed on it, but I ...

Willy Murphy, Ted Richards, And Soon Some More!

When I was a teen, and had started enthusiastically reading undergrounds, this guy was one of my favorites.  His take on San Fran wierdos is dead on even today.  He died of pneumonia at the age of 39.  He still comes across as fresh and cutting edge today.  It is a source of endless amazement to me, particularly based on my own reception in the furry world, how much better cartoon line art is than CAD drawing.  By better I mean the ability to convey idea and humor through art.  Think of Gary Larsen and Julie Doucet, and now think of how often you have seen or remembered some of those outstanding computer aided stuff that you cannot remember the names of the artists.  This is not a defense of my own limited abilities but a reminder to some that all, say again, all the top comics and strips are hand drawn line art. I was sixteen when this was new and not even smoking weed.  I think I first saw Arnold Peck, Willy's alter eg...

Well, Well!

One of my several hobbies is buying and modifying belts.  I particularly like concho belts, and Mexican dance hall stuff.  It is much cheaper to tear the bling off a thrift store find than to buy new.  Yesterday at one of the places I go I found a bunch of new belts, but the best was a rhinestone studded man's western belt with a huge, longhorn engraved buckle.  This black leather thing fit very well and is vulgar even by Country Western standards.  Perfect.  I went back today and bought five more, all unused, one by Nocona and a Tony Lama.  2 bucks apiece.  I find new guitar straps, some very expensive, at these places because they do not realize or care what they have.   I only make belts in the sense that I modify and decorate existing ones.  I got a cowhide belt today that I thought was lovely even though I cannot wear it or use it for anything.  I guess I will sell these things as Rock accessories....

April 27, 1979. The Battle Of The Flowers Parade. Dateline, San Antonio!

Battle of the Flowers Parade, San Antonio, April 27 1979. I saw the whole thing and remember nothing.  But I got to fuck my girlfriend that night! Here the San Antonio police earn my respect. Here we are being useful during a mass shooting.  But hey, did we look great or what?

Some Three Way Hot Bunny Action!

Nothing like fighting naked.  The flow of muscle over bone, the orgasmic thrill of steel biting into flesh.  What is mere sex to this?

Oh Boy!

Another coffee shop drawing.  The bunny is holding an anachronistic weapon, a sort of glaive.   These pole arms were developed after the fall of the Roman empire in order to give the foot soldiers, or "residue", some sort of chance against armored cavalry.  The one depicted is for dragging and stabbing.  Not until the development of gunpowder did the cavalry, i.e. armored knights lose it's battlefield supremacy.  True, the English had great success with the longbow, sometimes.  But that depended as much on French aggression  as on the thews of the Welsh yeomen.   But longbows take a lifetime of practice to use effectively.  The development of the battle musket suddenly turned every despised farmer into a unit of fire.  This is what swept away the poor treatment of the infantry, not the availability of class conquering weapons.  It was probably Vauban who invented the socket bayonet, and now there was no n...

Two Genius Designs, Yet An Answer To A Non Problem!

The Dardick Pistol.  It uses a three sided round (tround) and the cylinder rotates the cartridge into the open top chamber.  (The bullet itself is normal, the cartridge three sided or a standard .38 held in a triangular plastic sleeve.  Both varieties were used).  Few moving parts, cheap, very reliable. This is the only magazine revolver that I know about. Not  needed at all for a world that is invested in standard firearms.  This is one of the cleverest mechanical solutions ever come up with.  Super rare.  A developing country should consider this sort of thing for their nascent firearms industry.  Works with pistol, carbine and rifle applications.  Could be used in an auto configuration should the necessity arise.  Matched in ingenuity by it's contemporary, Gyrojet.  This is a sheet metal rocket launcher, cheap, smart, effective, but just not worth the trouble.  A few were used in Vietnam, but they did not...

Grace, Poise, And Personality

I drew this today in the Portland Starbucks.  I got overwhelmed with despair and quit, leaving it as is.  My rabbit, Billy, is so strong and handsome and I am a middle aged man who lives his life vicariously through his alter ego.  The only point to this is eroticism, something that has increasingly left me at the station.  When the realization that I would never again be a warrior soaked in, I was left in the salt flats with the tide going out.   On the lighter side, a roadrunner showed up today while I was in the front yard doing the 'lectric guitar thing and he proceeded to eat two of the lizards that hang out here.  I shooed him away but he ran under a palm and I think he got another lizard.  We have lots of lizards but I am fond of them.  Eventually he ran off down the road. Beep beep, motherfucker.  Kiss mine.  I will eat all the little saurians I wish.

An Old Bunny Remembers

My two hundred and fourth birthday, and I remember that day like I remember my wedding night.  I had not gone out for a year, because I felt old and weak, Ha Ha!  Like, the local Carns thought that rabbits are soft.  Back then I had the tough but aging body and nothing else.  But that was my meat body.  True, I feel no pain or pleasure now, but I am alive.  And very dangerous.   Of course with all the money I made during the Hantavirus maelstrom I bought a military H/K and it has been nothing but surgery since then.  Now I think in assigned priority algorithms and never sleep, but I sure liked using what body I had to an extreme.  Who wants to Fuck? "If you'd wish a steel flower for a decoration, take one". David R. Bunch "Incident In Moderan"

My Favorite Current Comic

Usagi Yojimbo.  The amazing Stan Sakai lays down the best black and white since "The Spirit". And- I just adore well drawn killer bunnies! But where is Toshiro Mifune? An army of the undead. A most expressive style. Kitsune pickpockets trouble.  Real trouble.  (see army of the undead, above). The essence of elegance. For years I ignored this in the library, as it was in the manga section.  This sure ain't manga. First page, first story.  I was hooked! Most cinematic. Lots of flair. Humor. Romance. Evil. Abayo, Sensei.

It Starts Here

Daisy Bell.  Henry Dacre, 1892. HAL (Heuristically Algorithmic Computer)  and Douglas Rain, voice of HAL. I used to play poker with a high school friend and a hell of a nice guy who I watched walk in space Thanksgiving day, 2002.  The future is here, baby, it's here! Douglas Rain died Armistice Day, 2018.

Anthro By A Proven Genius

Fleas are inhabited by the souls of blood-thirsty humans, according to a "vision" William Blake had. Here is his picture of this insight.  Ever since I was a small child, learning to put the boot in, this image has intrigued me.  The flea has a bowl for blood, and he stares at it in the most disturbing manner.  Behold, then, the essence of self centered cruelty.  It is also a far better expression of anthro art than ever so many savage, murderous, gay bunnies.  The falling star is a reference to the kingdom of Hell, one way or the other. Keep an eye on this Blake character, I predict big success for him.  Whatta talent!

Red Rabbit Redux

Today's coffee shop disgrace.  Sometimes I cannot think what to draw, and tend to default to static semi-nude bunnies.  This is Flamma preparing for the fight of his life. Below, then, is the full pic. Lazy and dependent is no way to go through life.  A happy Saturday night to you all!