Grace, Poise, And Personality

I drew this today in the Portland Starbucks.  I got overwhelmed with despair and quit, leaving it as is.  My rabbit, Billy, is so strong and handsome and I am a middle aged man who lives his life vicariously through his alter ego.  The only point to this is eroticism, something that has increasingly left me at the station.  When the realization that I would never again be a warrior soaked in, I was left in the salt flats with the tide going out.  
On the lighter side, a roadrunner showed up today while I was in the front yard doing the 'lectric guitar thing and he proceeded to eat two of the lizards that hang out here.  I shooed him away but he ran under a palm and I think he got another lizard.  We have lots of lizards but I am fond of them.  Eventually he ran off down the road.
Beep beep, motherfucker.  Kiss mine.  I will eat all the little saurians I wish.


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