What A Day

My brother took this great picture of Mischa laying on a couch blanket.  He claims the leopard pattern is a visual echo.  
I quit my FA association this morning.  I am just not right for social media.  Well, that's it for groups.  My artwork did not wow anyone anyway.  I am competitive so I found that irritating, although I turned my annoyance on myself, as usual.  
I have been stuck in this house going on two years.  I am maid, handy man, cook, gardener and all round servant.  I have no place to go and meet friends.  I have none down here and haven't met anyone.  Now the one social thing I had going I deliberately provoked my exit from it.  I owe a picture to Michael (four numbers I forgot to write down when I disabled my account) and will put that up soon.  I really miss sitting up late and drinking and listening to music with buddies.  At least I had that going for me in that pasture I lived in.  I have a lesson in Corpus tomorrow.  I have improved just a little bit.  I have quit listening to guitar greats because that is not who I should be comparing myself to.  Yet.
Well, that is it from Dullsville tonight.

Mischa is doing her job and very well at that.  But my life is no more that this and that is not right for a human.  


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