Forget It Billy, It's Mudtown!

As a young bunny, I did a hitch with the Fairy Force, Swamp Division.  One memorable day brought me a dead gopher, and nobody knew a thing, as usual.  Christ, the sun was barely up and I had the higher ups breathing down my neck for answers.  A good cop knows people, and I had my contacts even among the amphibs.  Normally we rabbits avoided the mud like distemper but Louie the Lip owed me one.  It turned out our stiff liked to gamble but didn't like to pay.  I'd have killed him myself if I was in the game.  I buried the evidence and Farley Fox walked.  Now I had an ear to the ground that heard everything.  Of course, the papers got hold of it and somebody had to fall.  After I got out of the stir, I hung out my shingle and went private. The politicos bitched like hell but my license was solid.  It should have been, I handed over more than a few acorns to keep it that way.
If you want justice, try the law.  If you want results, you're talking to me!


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