When My Brother Was Going To Draw Comics

My brother and I grew up on comics and military history.  Both of us wanted to draw the one and argue about the other.  This is a rare example of what he could do when he felt like it.  Signed and undated, probably early 'eighties.
I drifted into making stained glass windows, and I quit all artwork about 1987.  I did a few every now and then but it was just for kicks.  He was accepted at a Very Good School but they did not offer enough of a scholarship to allow him to attend.  Now he paints and sculpts, with compulsive cartooning on the side.  I live vicariously through my hyper vain, highly aggressive, and poorly behaved rabbit . Unkind people might say poorly drawn.  Anyhoo, he used to crank this sort of thing out.  I have never been happy with inking and it condemns me to amateur status.
There is no title for this so I am calling it good.


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