Superior Taste

Here two of my fave artists come together.  This is by my friend KosmoKoyote on Deviant Art.  I will quote his description -

"A conceptual sketch that I did based on a sculpture that was created by
 Jean Baptiste Carpeaux.  The young fox holds a conch shell to his ear to hear the ocean".

As it happens I think Carpeaux one of the great treasures of the art world.  He did several versions of this.

The first version was of a boy.

In this incarnation a girl is holding the conch on top of her head.  Ah, les dames peuvent être très étranges, non? Vive la différence!
I really like Kosmo's work and find it refreshing to see someone so aware of great art.  He loves the out of doors to the point of going off and camping in deserts and ghost towns.  I complain endlessly about civilization but that doesn't mean I can live without it.  (just in case any reader feared that there would be no mention of me in this post).
KosmoKyote is a wickedly witty artist and well worth looking at.


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