2 Years After Harvey

My brother took this superb photo of the street we live on a couple three days ago.

And now for something completely different:

Oooooh, kitties!  This is signed Frazetta.  Who could that be?

The Lie Of Sinning would work just as well with this artwork.


Wally Wood, September 1954.  This has A Sound Of Thunder illustrated by Al Williamson in it, and a letter to the editor from Ray Bradbury.  A combination of two failed comics, this ran for 7 issues.  For the last issue Bill Gaines bought the rights but not the art from a rejected Buck Roger's cover for Famous Funnies, considered too violent.  Many think this is the greatest comic cover of all time.

It's up there, I will give it that.  But this is the greatest comic cover of all time-

Johnny Craig, one of the covers that doomed EC.  I see that it is up for auction, or was.  Gosh, I would like to have money.  As an aside, this picture has nothing to do with anything in the comic.

Arthur Adams.  

Famous Funnies #213 September. 1954

Famous Funnies was the first comic book as we know it, it was a compilation of newspaper strips and set the format for the Comic Book phenomenon.  Frank Frazetta did 8 of these Buck Roger's covers, I guess that does not include the one I pictured above.  These are some of the most sought out comics ever.  Frank started with funny animals and ended up one of America's greatest artists.

Frank was paid to draw and paint his entire adult life.

Sometimes too much is a crowd, but way too much works perfectly!


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