Prelude To Fun!

Outdoor sex is one of the perks that the Rabbits enjoy.  Creatures with a fur covered skin have no concept of nudity, only wearing clothing in more formal situations.  Besides, there are no nude beaches in Texas, something that has to be explained hourly on Padre Island.  For humans, that is.  Underpeople wear clothes when working around dangerous things, although the males usually will wear some kind of shorts in most situations in order to keep everyone interested.  There is a nude 'beach' in Austin, Hippy Hollow, but it is a flabby middle aged nightmare avoided by those of taste or with families.  Rabbits, of course, do not categorize sexual activity.
Bunnies, and in this case one cat, are no more put off by alfresco fucking than we would be watching a softball game, fully clothed.  Any cops sent to break this up would enthusiastically join in, although they would keep their leather on.  A policeman, or woman, is never off duty.
Billy's cigarette is about to burn down to his fingers.  He seems distracted today!


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