Little Pitchers Have Big Ears But Not So Little Lizards

Today the back porch was all over lizards.  I was trying to get a photo of one who was crunching a June bug in the most leisurely manner, when I espied movement and saw this fellow peeping over a silver plated pitcher I obtained for two dollars 30 years ago.  That's polish all over it, I've been meaning to shine it.  The pitcher, the lizard is supposed to be dull.  That I even saw him demonstrates his lack of focus on the imperative.  As expensive as this camera is, like all digital cameras there is a lag between pressing the button and getting the picture.  All the others were blurred, a real shame as he is a handsome lizard and this does not show him in all his leathery glory.
This is a phone camera, but a camera nonetheless.  Oh for my Voightlander again!

Lizards R Us.

A life of serenity and contemplation.

Time held me green and dying
     Though I sang in my chains like the sea.


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