I'll Miss You Beau, So Long

My darling Beau  (Beauregard, Bobo, Bo-Dacious) has found his eyrie on the king size mattress leaning against the wall.  From here he is lord of all he surveys, and can hold his position against all comers.  Beau's paws are usually white, last night he got in and on some old art I left out while trying to find something to prove that I can draw objects other than unshaded lineart disturbed cartoon talking rabbits.  He is not the least bit contrite and will do it again if I let him.  Beau has a very good opinion of himself and knows how handsome he is into the bargain.  Beau has become Shiva, destroyer of prized objects! 

 There was never a sweeter or better tempered kitty.  I wish I could have let you go outside more.  But now you will be in the yard that you love until I come and get you, and then we will cross the bridge together.  I hope the powers that run things let us stay together, you were a perfect cat and I am a very flawed human. 

Beau Davis 

November 2018 - May 30 2021

Put the rubber mouse away,
Pick the spools up from the floor,
What was velvet shod, and gay,
Will not want them, any more.

What was warm, is strangely cold.
Whence dissolved the little breath?
How could this small body hold
So immense a thing as Death?

 Poem To A Dead Kitten, Sara Henderson Haye

(Added June 1st) - I found little kitten Beau in a grocery store parking lot right before Christmas 2018.  I brought him home where he soon became the most lovable and outgoing cat I have ever seen.  Beau lived to be pushed around on mom's walker, delighting in high speed turns.  He would jump on my back as I leaned over, and would have to be removed with the utmost care.  He would sit in my lap and then put his paws around my neck, purring like the tiger he was.  He loved playing with the other cats and my sister's dog.  Beau was very large and strong.  He wanted to be outside and would escape every time someone opened the door.  He wouldn't run far, he just loved the outdoors.  The last day of his life he got out and when I brought him back in I promised I would fix things so he could go out more.  I kept that promise, Beau is now in the yard he loved so much that I denied him for most of his life.  I hope he moves on and is in the meadow by the bridge where he can play with all his new friends and there shall be no more pain and sorrow.  Beau certainly died of cardiomyopathy, an unseen time bomb of genetic origin.  He was not 3 years old.  I had two years and 6 months of wonder and fun living with him, he slept with me and loved me as much as I loved him, a rare feeling to get from a cat.  Today is Memorial Day, and I can barely type this.  I buried him yesterday out by my beloved Jinjur, who at least had 19 years of life.  I was beyond fortunate to have had such an amazing cat.  I will remember Beau for the rest of the time I have, and he will always be with me.  My life was so much better for having him, and it is so much emptier today.
Farewell, Beau.  You were cheated of many years and so was I.  I know that you are purring in the lap of God.

Beautiful Cat Memorial Pet Loss Bereavement Rainbow Bridge - Etsy New  Zealand


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