Theeeeey're Obvious!

 OK, folks, let's make it official.  No one cares about sexual orientation, no one of consequence in any case.  But this sort of thing is not needed, polarizing and divisive.  Kellogg's is a silly company knuckling under to non-existent pressure created by the voices of a very few.  In this they are following the radical lead of Disney, who, along with their kowtowing to China have declared war on middle America, completely betraying their founder's vision.  (The U. S. military is almost as bad now, nothing more craven then a general currying favor with his superiors).  I hope that these companies go bankrupt, weaseling for the dollars of an elitist minority is not going to work at all for them.  'Elitist' refers to the sanctimonious types currently blaming Caucasians for thermal entropy and the color of the sky.   Woke Coke is already feeling the financial heat and are raising their prices.  Tony is a happily married Italian tiger with children. 

 “Together with Pride” is coming to stores in May 2021 and will have rainbow-colored cereal hearts in the colors of the rainbow flag.  And they’ll be covered in edible glitter".

 Working for the Yankee dollar.

"In one of the stranger stands against bullying in recent years, Kellogg’s has partnered with GLAAD to throw six of its cereals into one super homosexual box of breakfast.  The cereal, which will be called a very un-catchy “All Together Cereal,” includes Frosted Flakes, Froot Loops, Rice Krispies, Corn Flakes, Frosted Mini Wheats, and Raisin Bran. Each cereal's respective mascot will also be featured on the box.  “We all belong together,”read a statement released by Kellogg's. “So for the first time in history, our famous mascots and cereals are offered exclusively together in the same box for All Together Cereal. It’s a symbol of acceptance no matter how you look, where you’re from or who you love.”  Of course, the cereals will still be packaged separately within the box, which is a mixed metaphor in and of itself, but it’s probably for the best. Eating all of them at once sounds absolutely repulsive.  Like all bizarre promotional items, All Together Cereal is a limited time opportunity, so if you feel really compelled to munch on gay cereal in the mornings, get it while you can.  But, in what should be a nod to the fact that the LGBTQ community consistently makes less money than heterosexual folks but totally isn’t, it should be noted that a single purple box is going to set you back $19.99.  Undoubtedly it’s to offset the cost of Kellogg’s oh-so-generous pledge of $50,000 to GLAAD.  Alternatively, if you want some gay cereal and don’t want to dole out an insane price, just slap a new label on a box of Froot Loops, because come on, Kellogg’s. That one was right there".

Rachel Kiley, Pride Magazine Online.  October 18, 2019.

Notice the comment about Froot Loops, which I should have thought of, dammit.   It seems that Kellogg's hasn't learned a damn thing and is trying to double down on an idea mocked by the very voice of the community.  The gay consumer is not going to fall for this, and sugared cereals are nutritionally worthless on top of everything else.  Kellogg's should cut to the chase and start dealing methamphetamine.

Whatever You Do, We Do Breakfast

 Renamed Frosted Krispies in 1982.

According to the book What Were They Thinking? by Bruce Felton:

"When Kellogg's Frosted Rice was first introduced in 1977, it contained so much iron that consumers found they could pick it up and eat it with a magnet. After the problem was fixed, a company spokesman assured the Wall Street Journal that the new, improved - and demagnetized - version of the cereal could not be lifted with magnets 'unless they are very, very strong." 
 Kellogg's is not exactly batting a .1000.

 Tony, Tony Jr, Mrs Tony, and Antoinette.  Who the other boy tiger is I cannot find out.

Martin and Alice Provensen.  I have already mentioned them several times on this blog, as they were the ones who illustrated The Giant Golden Book of Myths and Legends, which had such a big impact on me as a child.

And I do mean impact.

But in the early fifties, they did this.  Familiar? 

Voiced by this man, Thurl Ravenscroft. 

Katy the Kangaroo.  There was also Elmo the Elephant and Pete the Porcupine and Newt the Gnu and Zeke the Zebra.  I cannot find pics of any of these. 

Oh, wait!  Here they are.

No matter.  Tony is still Grrrr-eat!

(All sites credit Martin Provensen with the design.  Alice and Martin always worked together so I mentioned them in tandem, like).

Picture by Plum @ploomy.

I wonder if Kellogg's really believes that targeting certain sectors of buyers will work.  This is shameless pandering, and insulting.  This campaign is over the top condescending, no business gives the rat's rear end who buys their product as long as the money is coming in.  Now maybe if they sold a commodity people need, like automobiles or talking rabbit comics such blatant begging for business might pay off, but I doubt it.  Most of us anthro fans are poor and no one buys cars for the rainbow hubcaps.

Uh...these are aftermarket.

While the urine tax certainly helped Vespasian fund Rome’s imperial coffers, some people were against the idea. Most famously, Vespasian’s eldest son and future emperor Titus openly expressed his disgust.  When Titus complained about the tax to his father, Vespasian asked him to smell a bunch of coins and tell him whether they smelled bad. When Titus replied in the negative, his father quipped, “Yet it comes from urine.”
Money doesn’t stink.

Kellogg's just wants the money, and they don't care a thing about what are who you identify with.  The best word for all this is 'transparent'. 

"The Lego Group has unveiled “Everyone is Awesome,” its first LGBTQ-themed set, ahead of its launch during Pride Month. The set, which hits the Lego online store June 1, includes 11 monochrome figures, each with its own hairstyle and rainbow color.  The set also includes black and brown colors “to represent the broad diversity of everyone within the LGBTQIA+ community,” as well as pale blue, white and pink representing the transgender community, and a purple drag queen figure, according to a description of the set from designer Matthew Ashton". 

Gee...thanks mom, thanks dad.  This is the best Christmas ever. 

The alert reader will notice that straight Caucasians are not mentioned.  I would love to force the Lego top brass to eat this toy, yes I would.

Going to Hell in a Handbasket.
When I first posted this, Google tagged my blog and the group blog I'm on, Hybrid Online, as deceptive malware.  Outraged, I wrote them back and asked them what the hell they were doing.  They wrote me back and said that I could continue to keep my blog online, most gracious of them.  Then I had to write them again as they did nothing to restore those blogs..  Very obviously someone or some bot decided that I was being hateful, of course they did not read this to see for themselves.  I despise woke big tech.  


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