
So I was chatting with my colleague Andibi about flies, and he mentioned using fly strips.  I told him that I didn't want to come home to a cat mummified in sticky tape.  A couple of hours later he sent me this -

A big shout out to the Anthro Art Wizard of Maine!  Oh, and that's Andrew the Bee, one of your more unhinged insect alter egos.  

Andibi's avatar
Why Andy would be calling on the rabbit for help is anyone's guess, a bunny's idea of responsibility is headlong flight.  Billy does drive a '57 Chevy but he doesn't have a license. In fact, he doesn't own a car.  Billy is not exactly a team player.


  1. Ha ha! This is definitely a case of the frame being more attractive than the picture! Nice work!

  2. Booshwa! This is awesome,funny and immediate. Well done!


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