Kartoon Komics


This explains why I survive my lifestyle.

Komic Kartoons,  September 1945.  Timely.
This wretched and completely unfunny comic is now selling in the 250 dollar price range.  Bertie Mouse with pop gun, Andy Wolf with apple.  Oscar Pig in tree, he does not appear in this at all.  I cannot find the artists or anything about this, but at least Timely (Marvel) had the wit to yank all further attempts at making this go.  The great Chad Grothkopf, who animated the first TV cartoon, was working at Timely in 1942 so lack of talent does not explain this awful comic, although the war may have taken all the good artists away for the duration.  Stan Lee was there as well, I doubt he was enthused over this.

 Chad Grothkopf.

From 1942 to 1951 Timely was located on the 19th floor of the Empire State building.

Doc Savage lived in the Empire State building as well.  Coincidence?  I think not!


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