Pete Hawley

 Movie poster for Rhubarb,The Millionaire Tomcat.  Rhubarb was played by Orangey, the most famous and the meanest actor cat of them all. 

Rhubarb was written by H. Allen Smith.  Dell Books.

One more.  Pete Hawley was in huge demand, known for his Jantzen Swimwear ads.  But he has a lot of anthro animals in his quiver as well.

When I was growing up I would see this guy's work everywhere.

I was dressed much like this cat the day Kennedy was shot just a few miles away.  To me this is a sad picture.  These two kids, natural enemies, are having harmless fun while watching a morality play television show about clear cut good and evil.  They are visibly excited and will sleep very soundly tonight.  Damn few kittens and almost no mice find homes, let alone such a wonderful one as depicted here.  This will always be a pleasant if vague memory for the both of them.


American Greeting Cards.

American Greeting Cards.

Just as seventies as it gets!

Doggone it is Southern Baptist for 'Goddamn'.  This is a doggone good picture.

He doth bestride the narrow world, like a Colossus.

 This bangs the right side of the cute meter.


Prolific, to say the least.

While the thrust of our anthropomorphism here is furry oriented, Humpty Dumpty is nothing if not 'like a man'.  Besides, wilya just look at that rabbit?  Cuddles!

When the stars threw down their spears 
And water'd heaven with their tears: 
Did he smile his work to see?
Did he who made the Lamb make thee? 

If I ever attend a FurCon, this is exactly how I will look.  Two for one!

So long, Pete, wherever you are I'm sure you stay busy.

Bon voyage.


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