
 It was a lovely Saturday and I decided to go into town.  Most people here are used to me by now but as this is a resort there are many tourists and I get a lot of stares.  I parked in an alley by Main Street and walked as unobtrusively as possible to the little ice cream trailer by the Daily Grind, a great coffee shop.  I bought a strawberry sugarcone and tipped the cost of the treat, I've got plenty of money and not many places to spend it.  Then someone grabbed my shoulder and spun me around, I hit him twice before he could follow through with his punch.  Speed was the desired attribute assigned to me for Transition, the faster something moves the slower it appears to me.
Next thing I remember I was on the ground being kicked.  "Stay away from decent people, animal, don't show up around here again", a voice said off in the red distance.  Those guys were laughing as they walked off.  The tourists were standing around and not saying anything, I got to my feet and limped back to my truck.  I knew the cops would be coming by to fuss at me and I wanted to get cleaned up before they arrived.  The police are almost in the same boat as I am, all military and all drafted into the job.  Veterans of the last conflict are viewed with extreme suspicion by the ruling elite, soldiers develop their own attitude towards authority.  I threw my shirt away and showered, normally water makes my fur lumpy but I wanted to get the blood off.  When the cops showed up they were pleasant enough but we both knew the incident would not be reported, if someone kills me it will save the government a lot of trouble.  Anyway, they said they'd look into it, kind of them to say anything at all.  Then one asked if he could shake my hand and I shook hands with them both, I almost felt human again.
That night I sat on the porch and drank wine from a plastic cup and shook with rage.  In a fair fight there is not a human alive that can take me, I may be small but speed is everything in war.  I thought of going to see my neighbor retired Colonel Warden but I saw that he had guests and for all I know his courtesy is just that, courtesy.  I must have nodded off because I opened my eyes and it was morning, a humming bird darted across the porch and I picked up the cup and the empty bottle and went inside.  Broad daylight is not a good time for me.



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