The Greatest Horror Is Found Within


My guests don't go hungry.

Cerveau de lapin frit -
    First, you need to cut the head in half vertically with a saw. For the home kitchen, an electric reciprocating saw or Sawsall is what you want.   It will take a minute or so, but it’s far easier than using a hand saw, both difficult and messy:
1. Pick the blood vessels and film off of the brains and soak in cold water overnight. Change the water every few hours. When they are properly soaked the water will remain clear.
2. When ready to cook, place in iced water acidulated with the juice of a lemon.  Drain.  Slice, not too thin.
3. Season with salt and pepper, to taste.
4. Put slices in a pan of flour and coat evenly.  For added taste I use grated hazelnut Madelines.
5. Melt butter in a skillet on medium high heat. When it is frothy and begins to turn a nut brown color add sliced brains. Sauté until golden brown, constantly basting with butter to evenly brown. Remove and keep  warm.
6. In another skillet melt 3-4 Tablespoons of salted butter and quickly saute parsley and garlic. Remove from heat, squeeze lemon into garlic/parsley mixture, stir, and pour over entree.  Pair with a decent Cabernet Sauvignon, or one of the creamier Rhône red blends.
7. Prendre plaisir!

*  Next time - Candied eyeballs avec compote de fruits et glace!  (If saving the brain dish for last, the meat will stay fresh best if kept alive.  Be sure and offer the food some, a good host is considerate of everyone).


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