

 Animation by Cyriak

Welcome to the paradise that Zootopia recommends.
'On the left is the rabbit made of rabbits made of rabbits made of rabbits from the end of video, and next to it is a solid cube of 7 billion rabbits. And the Eiffel Tower'.

"Through the animal and vegetable kingdoms, nature has scattered the seeds of life abroad with the most profuse and liberal hand. ... The germs of existence contained in this spot of earth, with ample food, and ample room to expand in, would fill millions of worlds in the course of a few thousand years. Necessity, that imperious all pervading law of nature, restrains them within the prescribed bounds. The race of plants, and the race of animals shrink under this great restrictive law. And the race of man cannot, by any efforts of reason, escape from it. Among plants and animals its effects are waste of seed, sickness, and premature death. Among mankind, misery and vice. "
Thomas Malthus, An Essay On The Principle Of Population.  1798 

Oh, well, probably all for the best.  After all, Champagne is made by yeast overpopulating and dying.  Perhaps our world is creating a vintage for the Macrobes.*  Pop!
* The “macrobes” — C. S. Lewis’s name for demonic powers hovering from above.


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