Internal Compulsion Engine

  Cape Town, May 6 2003. -  Emmanuel Gumbi, 31, who sliced his head off in a butchery at the Richard's Bay Shoprite Checkers branch, did it because he was afraid. He claimed somebody had followed him and was waiting for him outside the shop.  His fear was so great that he chose a gruesome suicide rather than leaving the shop to face the person who had followed him there.  Gumbi apparently spoke to security guards moments before the incident, and told them he was scared to go outside because he was followed and there were people waiting outside for him.  "He apparently said that a gang of men was after him but he was not being coherent so police assumed that he was drunk. They offered to take him home but he said he wanted to go off somewhere else.  Gumbi had earlier tried to get into the butchery section at another supermarket but that butchery staff had chased him away. 

Russia, September 4 2018.  A teenage boy beheaded himself with a chainsaw after losing a computer game, according to reports.  Pavel Matveev, 15, walked into the garden of his home after becoming frustrated with the game and took his own life.  Police have now launched a criminal investigation looking at 'incitement to suicide'.  Young Pavel's body was found in the village of Mogochino, Russia. 


I first ran across this suicide in the mid-nineties when the net was going wild.  From what little I could find, this happened in California in 1979.

  Suicide committed by a 79-year-old man using a self-made circular table saw. Autopsy confirmed that the man received multiple heterogeneously distributed saw-type impacts to the head and neck resulting in complete amputation of the upper skull and partial beheading.

I have often wondered about the reality of demonic possession.  What could drive a person to kill themselves in such a painful and horrible manner?  I think that when a person's brain forces a human to do this to themselves then they are possessed by a demon.  This does not mean a supernatural being, necessarily, but an inner compulsion far beyond what most of us have ever dealt with.  A rage, a self hatred that generates a program forcing the victim to punish themselves in the most barbaric and immediate manner possible.  'Demon' is as good a word as any, something forced these individuals to die in this manner.  In the case of the teen in Russia there may have been on-line coercion, but so what?  This sounds like a hoax or urban legend-

There is no factual basis to this, and all such groups investigated are instigated by adolescents.  This has as much reality as the better known Momo Challenge, a load of very old cobblers if there ever was one.  As far as the kid with the chainsaw, Russia has one of if not the highest suicide rate for teens in the world.  In 2017 porn star August Ames hung herself in a Ventura park after being told online by many people to kill herself for refusing to do sex scenes with a gay male.  You know, there sure are a lot of people in this world that want and deserve a chance at more life that don't get one.  Ms. Ames was in terrific shape and was paid for sexual activity, every man's dream.  Yet she kills herself because her world turned on her.  This is someone that was empty and rudderless, without the basic character to tell all them people to kiss off and get out of her life.  In her case this was not the equivalent of a brain demon driving her to suicide, but the complete absence of conviction and inner standards.  Think of all those children with the heart breaking disease Progeria who would have loved to have had the chances Ms. Ames had, and I ain't talking about whoring for cameras neither. 


August Ames.  The common denominator is both of these being's reality consisted of 2 dimensional images.

And I cannot talk of demons without bringing in this image from The Exorcist.  Whether evil has  corporeal reality or not, it is with us and shall always be with us.  The question is whether evil internal, external, or a combination of both?  Serial killers and the like who are driven by bloodlust are certainly forced by their brains to do so, is that not possession?  And why would a civilized country spare the life of such a person?  There is fuck all in there to study, there is no cure, there is no forgiveness for such crimes.  I don't belief in last minute salvation by confessing belief in Christ, people on death row are naturally going to clutch at any straw no matter how inconsequential, they have no inner compass and are only genetically human.
I think it fitting that Lankester Merrin and Pazuzu are both looking off into the distance at the same unseen to us object.
A Seriously Bored Bunny Production.


  1. Dat contribution caught me slight in this sunday morning The blogspot thingy is real disturbing ...thought my stomach was turning . The porn star happening is kind of explainable. Most of the guys are into serious drugs, doing things they wouldn´t in a sober state. A medium psychosis can be caused way later and lead to unpredictable actions. There are no proper arguments to find, to like get over the loss of control or other neurotic bent. I don´t quite get the 'Momo' ongoing though... just some funny photoshop flashlight, maybe there is some truth in it, sure overblown.

    1. The Momo thing was big on the net for awhile, haven't seen of it in some time. Yes, the best explanation of these things is psychosis. The young lady who hung herself did not have much in the way of inner direction.


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