Looney Tunes Lobo!

OK, guys, some background.  Lobo is an intergalactic bounty hunter of no morals at all but with one ethic, he keeps his word no matter what.  Extremely quirky and inventive, DC overexposed him and the series went under, although he still gets the occasional special and guest appearances.  This issue is a take on the roadrunner and coyote thing. 
Oh, and Lobo killed his entire home planet just for fun so it is best to stay as far away from him as possible.

I left out a page 'cause it bored me.
Wile E. finds Lobo and they make a deal.
But killing the RoadRunner is not as easy as it sounds.
Oops!  Wile E. seems to have joined up with someone who is not Warner Brothers!


Lobo's tough, he's been killed many times but he always comes back.  But-
No one kills Bugs.

No one.


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