The Hissy, Pissy Kittens

A Billy Bunny Adventure

Once there was a modified human who lived by himself next to an ocean.  He was half human and half rabbit.  He had no friends in town and was alone all of the time.  He was a kind person and he loved animals.  He befriended a girl cat but she would not let him bring her in.  This made the rabbit man very sad.  One day the cat crawled up into the attic and had kittens.  For weeks the bunny tried to get to them, but the attic was too small to allow access.  Eventually the mother brought the kittens into the garage and the freak rabbit grabbed them and brought inside.  They were very angry and hissed at him for a week.  The mother cat was furious and remained outside where she also hissed at the bunny.
The days turned into weeks and the kittens began to love the rabbit.  He also fell in love with them and taking them to a shelter was out of the question, no one would take kittens and the city's animal control would kill them.  The rabbit lived under the sentence of death, he had survived a massacre of his old unit and was an embarrassment to the powers that be.  He named the kittens Muffin, Mittens, Daisy, and Tiger, the boy cat.  They all slept in a heap at night and the kittens purred with love and happiness.  The bunny had two grown girl cats inside, MeeMee and Precious, they were upset that he had more cats and did not give them the attention they were used to.  It was only a matter of time before the government killed the rabbit, and he was very upset thinking about what would happen to the kittens and his other cats when he was gone.
I have said that he had no friends.  He would talk at night to a kindly lady who walked her dogs in front of the house, she wasn't scared of a 5'6" lagomorph war machine that the entire town knew was doomed, the word had gone out and no one wished to make friends with a walking corpse.  The girl was an animal lover and she took the kittens.  Billy gave them to her and waved goodbye and went inside and cried his eyes out for a full day.  It had been impossible to advertise for homes for the kitties, there were people who used them as live bait for sharks.  With that out of the way he felt sure that after he was gone someone would take care of MeeMee and Precious, but the mother cat would eventually die of neglect and sorrow.
While this whole affair made Billy sad, as long as his kittens could have a good life he felt that he could leave this awful world in good conscience.
He never heard anymore of the kitties, and shortly after this one of his cats was killed in a bomb explosion meant for him and the other died after being wounded in the fight that killed Billy Bunny and all his friends. 
There's a lesson here somewhere but I'll be damned if I can find it.

But the kittens all grew up and were fat and useless and very happy cats and eventually died of old age, and were buried by their sorrowing owners.

Illustration by Gustaf Tenggren, from The Shy Little Kitten, 1946.


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