Cross Eyed With Pleasure!

My pet rabbit Billy, who has disappeared again, feels genuine pity for anyone that isn't him.  I told him to be here for chores today, and he promised me he would.  But it is a very nice day, and with the beaches being crowded Billy no doubt started feeling sorry for people who have nothing wonderful to stare at.  I suspect he is wearing his favorite clothing and jewelry, forbidden in public, and my wallet is gone.  There is also an empty box marked 'tail extensions' laying on the floor in front of the full length mirror.  I would lock him out tonight but the last time I did so I found him unconscious draped over the garage windowsill all bloody from broken glass and snoring like a freight train.  There was a car with a crumpled front end I didn't recognize in my flower bed and I could see my neighbors talking to the police while pointing at my house.



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