
Showing posts from April, 2023


Mac Smith has written and drawn an unforgettable post apocalypse epic. The essence of terror.  Better than even Disney can do. A new world.  Remember, "new" does not mean "good". Point of view really makes a difference, don't it? A moose and a mouse.  The world is huge to me, how so much bigger to a mouse? I really don't wish to say anything else about this.  Wix the mouse is on a journey to save his girlfriend and his colony.  He is opposed by, well, the entire world.     This ain't The Rescuers, no sir.  Read this and know what storytelling is all about.

Commonplace But Still Sad

   This was my first week working for Wings Rescue Center in Rockport Texas.  Since I know almost nothing about wild birds I have little to say, but today something happened worth mentioning.  I went on a call concerning a sick brown pelican at Cove Harbor, where my dad had a boat once.  When we got there we spotted the big bird sitting by himself up against a concrete breakwater, my job was to turn on the water at the fish cleaning stand to attract the other pelicans so we could get this one alone.  I turned on the water, my boss netted the pelican and handed him across a fence to me.  I held his beak and wings and placed him inside a carrier in her jeep.  I was expecting more of a fight.  We got him back to the center, he had a throat fungus and was covered in mites.  He weighed 2.8 kilograms, a little light but not severe.  He was barely moving, and we put him in a cage.  While the forms were being filled out th...

Goodbye, Ted, You Were The Best

Theodore Stanley Richards, October 20, 1946 – April 21, 2023. I was going to misspend my youth anyway, and your comics made it all bearable. Das vedanaya.


Image   Presented in BunnyVision©.

Button, Button

  The package was lying by the front door-a cube-shaped carton sealed with tape, their name and address printed by hand: "Mr. and Mrs. Aurthur Lewis, 21 7 E. Thirty-seventh Street, New York, New York 10016." Norma picked it up, unlocked the door, and went into the apartment. It was just getting dark. After she put the lamb chops in the broiler, she sat down to open the package. Inside the carton was a push-button unit fastened to a small wooden box. A glass dome covered the button. Norma tried to lift it off, but it was locked in place. She turned the unit over and saw a folded piece of paper Scotch-taped to the bottom of the box. She pulled it off: "Mr. Steward will call on you at 8:00P.M." Norma put the button unit beside her on the couch. She reread the typed note, smiling. A few moments later, she went back into the kitchen to make the salad. The doorbell rang at eight o'clock. ''I'll get it," Nor...

It's The Truth, It's Actch'll!

      'Whats a matter with you - are you hard of hearing? I said 'Howdy'!       In 1949 Song of the South was released by Disney, it won Academy Awards for the song Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah and for actor James Baskett, the first black man to get the award. The movie gave voice work to many black actors and is a masterpiece of regionalism as well as a showcase for the fantastic stories and animation which brought Joel Chandler Harris' collection of folk tales to life. Walt Disney lobbied for Baskett to get the Oscar, and the artwork in it was designed by Bill Peet, one of the studio greats. The boy Johnny was played by the tragic Bobby Driscoll, who also had an Oscar.        One of the lies told about Walt Disney is that he was a racist. Today, as Disney descends into madness and continues to alienate the very people who paid to see it's movie...


Fancybell and Scout meet Zorq.

On My Signal...Wait For It!

 This was a drawing that went south when I added the background figures.  I wanted the cops behind this detective to reference this brilliant artwork-   From Milady 3000, by Magnus.  Those are some ominous guards, the decadent prince is being very well protected.  But when I started drawing the background figures behind my rabbit, I made mistakes and the result was irreparable.  Ink and me are not friends.

My Pictures Are Disappearing And Blogger Won't Answer Me

 Over ten years on this site and I receive no help when I ask for it.  This sucks. Red Rabbit property of Dearfield Publications.

I Battled A Giant Otter

Not a giant tiger, or pangolin, or even giant pygmies, but an otter.  A fucking otter.  It was a hard day at the sprocket factory and now I gotta go home to my bitch wife and criminal children and I need to escape.  Oh, look here, Men is doing a story on Battling A Giant Otter.  Wow, that sure will make up for all the shit I have to eat at work and my 4 years in the Army Air Corps sweeping out the PX at Camp Loser Alaska, giant otter tales are at a premium.   Maybe everyone will go to sleep early and I can break out the coconut oil and really make a night of it. Men, December 1953.  Cover art by Wil Hulsey. Wil Hulsey is the king of animal attack art, this example from Man's Life September 1956 has to be the best known men's magazine cover of all time, primarily because Frank Zappa owned a copy and used it as an inspiration for one of his albums - This otter cover should be sub-titled Goddammit don't shoot me!  That lamp the man is flaili...

I Must Have Really Screwed Up In My Past Life

When I got up this morning my rabbit Billy was nowhere to be seen.  This bothered me, every time he goes out he gets into trouble or I do.  I could see my car was still in the driveway so that was good, he doesn't have a license but he can drive and he does.  After I checked the hammock out back and his room I made coffee and watched the sun come up over the water.  I would rather watch it go down over the water but this is Texas and most of the Gulf Coast faces east.  I saw a figure with large ears walking the street towards me, and lit another cigarette.  I could hardly wait to hear his story this time.  Billy got to the house and went inside, then came out with coffee and sat in a chair next to me.  'I bet you're mad at me', he said.  'Again'. 'Why?  Should I be'?  I was mad at him but nothing special. 'You never let me go anywhere or have any fun at all'.  He sipped his coffee and scalded his mouth.  'I don...

Woad Wabbit

 Some guys just have a bad attitude.

Jackalope Hunting Now Illegal In Texas?

 Reuters - Due to the recent severe winter and ongoing drought, Texas Senator William D. Bonny's controversial Jackalope Conservation Act has passed the senate by a vote along partisan lines.   The bill is headed for Governor Abott's desk, although he has sworn to veto it.  'No family should have to forego the Easter Jackalope dinner, so much a beloved tradition in our great state'.  The governor's remarks were made at the annual To Protect And Serve awards ceremony in Uvalde.  Mr. Abbot was fortunately not hurt when a truck backfired some 2 blocks away and the uniformed guests all rushed for the exits, injuring several children and leaving the fairgrounds in 'a soiled condition'.