Some Extremely Loose Ends

 Tom returned to consciousness in a large, well lit room.  He could see a doorway off to one side, it was flanked by the two soldiers who had brought him in.  There was a desk in front of him with Billy the rabbit sitting behind it.  Next to him was Mr. Charrington of the antique store on his left and a human female on his right.  Tom knew his hands were bound to the chair he was sitting in, he glared at Billy who met his eyes with a blank stare.  No one said anything.  Then the two soldiers snapped to attention as a large man walked into the room.  He was almost pure black and had a round head that looked like a cannonball.  Billy had gotten to his feet and offered a chair to the newcomer.  The two shook hands and the man sat down.  The woman put a folder in front of the man as Mr. Charrington tapped keys on a computer console, something Tom had never seen but he knew what it was, oddly enough.  The dark man spoke.
'Mr. Catt, do you know why you're here'?  Tom was amazed that someone who looked so important could ask such a stupid question.  He didn't reply but glared into the man's eyes.  One of the soldiers walked over to the immobilized cat and slapped his head.
'No, I don't know why I'm here'.  He turned his head toward the soldier.  'I'm going to kill you for that'.  The soldier slapped him again, harder.  'Enough', said the big guy.  The soldier smirked and walked back to his post by the door.  The big man leaned forward and said, ' have a knack for trouble, do you not'?  'To what do you refer, chief', the cat replied, 'getting slapped around by a human in lion drag or Ruff and Reddy here kidnapping me and dragging me into some kind of underground hide out to answer pointless questions'
Mr. Charrington leaned forward and looked into the cat's eyes.  'You have no memory of arriving here'? He asked.  'No hint of what you are supposed to be doing'?  Tom started to reply and then wondered, not for the first time, what was he doing here?  When did he come to live in the house on the hill?  Where in Hell was this place?  He glanced down at his hands which were indeed manacled to the chair.  For once he couldn't think of anything to say.  Billy then spoke to him.  "Tom...we're friends and I like you.  But you had an assignment that did not involve being a good Samaritan or a nosy Parker. And...
(And nothing.  This is coming across like a bad Twilight Zone, with elements of The Matrix and Marathon Man vigorously and somewhat carelessly thrown in.  There is nothing original about this story, zip, zero, nada, as dearest Rush used to say.  I stole from Orwell, Conrad, The Wind In The Willows and Robert Crumb and this still sucks.  I know when I've been licked.  I admit defeat.  
OK, here's what happens.  Tom is put back into his reality to finish his assignment of watching all the other critters running around in that talking animal town he lives just outside of.  The rapist lion was some scientist with a thing for young rabbits that got out of line, he's been dealt with as we have seen.  Tom used to be some great sinner, or military man, or is merely a computer program who is alive in a world he never made, ha ha.  Both the canine cops are killed in a bank robbery gone wrong not long after their visit to Tom.  Billy the rabbit, his job finished, pours gasoline unto his book collection and sits cross legged atop the pyre as he lights a match, whoosh.  He will be rewarded in Heaven, or back at headquarters, whichever comes first.  Paulie Panda and Farley Fox will live to a ripe old age.  The author of all this will be found floating face down in a beyond nasty pelican pool at the sanctuary he works at.  'Good riddance', the ranking policeman said, as all the cops burst into laughter while one of them pissed on the body.  Oh, yeah.  Tom stabbed the soldier bully in the carotid artery with a Bic pen he palmed and killed him, just as he said he would. He didn't get in any trouble over that, no one cares about enlisted men.   But Tom Catt lived happily ever after).   

Angry cat drawing off Vecteezy.


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