Film Theory And Practice

This is the first known photograph of a human. This is Paris in 1838. There are two people visible, a man having his shoes polished and a bootblack who is more indistinct. This photo is reversed to show the view as Daguerre would have seen it, as all daguerreotypes are backwards. This is the Boulevard de Temple, and in 1838 was known as the Boulevard of Crime because of all the penny dreadful type theaters. Much of it was destroyed when Baron Haussmann did his thing. Some have thought the man was standing at a water pump but this apparently is a bootblack at work. Close examination shows other people. Two women and a pram. Child and dog across the street. Childs face in window. I got all this off of Mashable, written and curated by Amanda Uren and Chris Wild. Aujourde' hui. I started wit...