A Singular Dream

     Today I had finished the morning chores and shopping when I brewed up a pot of incredibly strong coffee.  I have been working on a new, for me, style of cartooning so as to be more competitive, or noticed, so I sat down at the board, took a sip of coffee, arose, walked into my room and fell asleep on my cot.  Mingo crawled up on my chest and Mischa proceeded to lay across my legs and swat at Mingo's tail.  I was asleep instantly.
     In my dream I was outside a very familiar house that I had never seen before and was talking with old friends who I had never met when a group of people in distress showed up with a child who was unconscious with a very high fever.  Somehow I wound up holding the child, who was black,  and I was sick with concern and worry.  Someone called an ambulance.  I walked down the grassy slope to a parking lot I remembered from a stay in Baton Rouge, and was holding the child as the emergency vehicles were coming into sight.  They then ran into some cars and burst into flame.  As I turned to go back up the slope I could not breathe and the child was dying.  Something was sitting on my chest.  One must remember that I had no idea that I was dreaming.  I made it to the door of an old friends house, and she screamed and locked the door.  When I pounded the door with my fist I heard those inside calling the police.  Now I was being crushed by the weight on my chest and was trying to call the woman an awful name.  I awoke, and I was lying under two cats who were staring at me with great disinterest.   I was almost shaking from the terror of this experience, and it took me several seconds to realize that it had not happened.  I don't think it meant anything at all. 


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