Spontoon Island
Spontoon Island.
Spontoon Island is a mythos created by Ken Fletcher and is a co-op so to speak of artists and writers. It is the remains of a volcano creating an archipelago in the North Pacific. As it takes place in an alternate universe, the geography and world history are only tangent to our own. I have mentioned this before in a brief essay on the age of seaplane racing. I want as many people as I can reach to know about this unique communal masterpiece of imagination and skill.
Mr. Fletcher loves the old floatplanes and his artwork is perfect for the depiction of this delightful destination. Oh, did I mention this is a furry world? Back in the day I used to just think of characters as just that, characters. I had no idea that the Wind in the Willows would be tagged as a variant!
Spontoon has it's own language and culture.
The natives are most friendly and in this case most attractive. Art by Sonderjen. (Jon Jennings).
On The Water Taxi, by Warren Hutch. http://spontoon.rootoon.com/SPwGzGCn.html. I am amazed that such an inventive and clever idea has been thrown open for mass participation.
LONO sounds like a pretty hip station. Created by Major Matt Mason.
And what sovereign nation does not have a super hero? Tiki Man, by L. Frank!
A plethora of stories by heaps of skilled artists and writers. This is by Frederick Andersson.
By the very talented Jerry Collins.
Mr. Fletcher is a professional cartoonist out of Minnesota. I find this picture hilarious.
(Down here in Texas our inedible served with everything is potato salad)!
In Lord Jim these people were called water clerks. Ken Fletcher.
The Spontoon universe takes place in a perpetual 1930's world of super cool machines and a North Pacific paradise.
So come to Spontoon Island. You may never leave. You certainly will not want too.

Spontoon Island Copyright Ken Fletcher with all rights reserved.
Posted here by express and very kind permission of this outstanding artist.
Spontoon Island Copyright Ken Fletcher with all rights reserved.
Posted here by express and very kind permission of this outstanding artist.
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