
Well, well.  I was preparing a micro essay on Omaha the Cat Dancer, thinking I would be impressing all you kids out there, and look what I find. I could not even remember the name of the comic, just that it was a famous early furry work that was highly collectible and thought of.  I saw my first Omaha in Half Price Books in Austin in the expensive old comics case.  I decided not to buy it as I knew nothing of the furry thing then.  Then the net linked to Vootie , founded in 1976 by Reed Waller and Ken Fletcher. There is a lot out there about how it came about.  Credited with kicking off the furry thing, sorta.  I mean, the Wind in the Willows is furry, but there must be a line drawn somewhere.  Both these two guys are great artists.   How completely awesome.  I was graduating High School in 76 and had also graduated the next year to Heavy Metal and not comics.  I got sick of the superhero thing and bought my last Marvel comic in the spring of 77, a pathetic Fantastic Four.
A pre- Vootie flyer.

This followed the cessation of Vootie.  RowrBrazzle and Vootie are considered to have  ushered  in the Furry Fandom era.

Harvey Kurtzmann and Jack Davis Today show parody.  Could there be a connection?

The word Vootie was coined by Slim Galliard.

I guess I will save this one for later.

Truly, this has been a day of days.  Oh, yeah, this is for Ken Fletcher.  What a class act he is!

And there is this from Dogpatch Press -


KenFletcher's avatar

Drop by Ken's DA account and have a look around.  You won't be disappointed!



 From little acorns...

Oh, and there is also Taral Wayne, one of the Rowrbrazzle crowd.

And last but not least, Jerry Collins.

 Jerry designed this -

Hilda the Bamboid.  That's the late Robert Hill under all that, full marks for enthusiasm.
Jerry's DA account:
 GeorgieGanarf's avatar

These guys and others kicked off the Furry Fandom.  We are in the presence of greatness!  They
 " doth stride the narrow world like a colossus'.


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