Young Bambi's Voice

The one on the left is Donnie Dunegan, voice of young Bambi.  The one on the right is Captain Dunegan, wounded Vietnam veteran and youngest Drill Instructor in the Corps.  Captain, later Major, lived in fear of one thing and one thing only, that his fellow Marines would discover his acting career.

Boris Karloff and Donnie on the set of Son of Frankenstein.

Some will recall my post on the tragic Disney actor, Bobby Driskoll.  Dunegan forgot about his Hollywood stint, joined the Corps, and led an exceptional life.  He now lives in San Angelo, Texas.  Somewhere both of these young men made a decision and ended up as polar opposites.

Now in his eighties, this outstanding man is vigorous and active.  He is a Texan to be proud of.  I guess that character will out.  He raised a great family and served this country very well indeed.

If I had served with him and I found out about this he would never have heard the end of it.


  1. I wonder if he attended any recent fan conventions--as the last surviving cast member of SON OF FRANKENSTEIN people would make much of him!

  2. Yes, he was tracked down in 2005 and I think he has gone to conventions, I know he gives talks and such. Imagine having a picture of yourself and Boris in full Frankenstein drag!


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