Beige, Drag Queen Rabbit

The rabbit in the picture is Beige, a character from the "Moving In" series by Runnt, illustrated by Diman.
He was first drawn by Meesh.  Beige is a handyman, name of Ralph, who is also a drag queen who performs at the Bunny Hop.  The mouse is Lyle, a newcomer to the apartment complex they all live in. 

Beige, on the right, is a good looking bunny, and no one knows it better than him.

He is also over the top gay, and arrogant to boot.  

And the only other pic I could find.  Believe me, he looks far more masculine in his stage attire.
Rabbit Valley Comics.

See what I mean?

 This is entitled "Getting the Shot", and is an example of the very skilled artist Meesh.  I cannot find his version of Ralph the rabbit, AKA Beige.  This is off the Weasyl site.  Diman is a fine artist, certainly above my pay grade, but his more polished work changed the character of Ralph.  In the first comic Ralph is sassy and flippant, but highly intelligent with a wide range of interests.  In "Performance of a Lifetime", Beige is airheaded, cruel, and a complete slut.  I recommend all of these in this series.

 Lyle and his very good friend Jason.  Art by Diman.  Story by Runtt.


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