Time, Passage Thereof- (Post One Thousand)

My very beloved aunt Mary Propes died today.  I do not have pictures assembled yet, and I hesitate to post about her on this godless and hedonistic site.  I have known her all my life, of course.  She was a person of extreme intelligence and the very highest character.  She had three wonderful children and many grandkids.  She was a pillar of church and community, and Texas is the less for her passing.  This is the last of my aunts and uncles to go.  

I think it is fair to say that I have been surprised by time.  Look on my works. ye mighty.  And despair.

So wide, I can't go 'round it,
So low, I can't go under it.
So high, I can't go over it-
Oh, rock my soul!


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