Two That Are Unique

When I was learning to play (and am still learning) I knew I would need a back-up instrument.  I bought this from a pawn shop in Bastrop with no idea what it was except that is was designed for metal bands.  This is a B .C. Rich Mockingbird, and boy oh boy was it fucked up.  I only paid 60 bucks for it and had no idea how bad off it was.  Unplayable.  Stop tail bridge.  So I took it apart and was going to re-finish it when my neighbor, Ed Rodriguez, stepped in and said no, no, No!  I'll do it.   Ed is the head finish man at Collings Guitar and this is what I got back.  That is a color shift metallic red that this pic does not do credit to.  This is a 1700 dollar paint job.  Ed did this on his own time and his own nickel.  I bought him a half gallon of cheap tequila in return. 

This is a new Bianchi gunbelt that I bought from a clueless thrift store for 2 $.  The clasp and ring are off an Italian lady's belt, and they are modeled after a Roman swordbelt.  The bling and conchos are off of belts I tore down for the metal, much much cheaper than buying from Tandy.  This thing is very heavy and looks great over a coat or just plain skin.  It is highly adjustable and as stout as it can get, of course.  I used to have all this on an old leather police belt, but that got all tore up so I reworked it.  I really like this! 

It also looks good with clothing.
Rock on, rock out.


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