
I rarely fish because I am afraid I will catch one then have to clean and eat it.  Today, using a hand line, I pulled in a gafftop catfish, almost the worst thing you can get in casual fishing except for murder victims and it does happen.  You cannot handle them, the fins are sharp, rigid, and, oh yeah, poisonous.  I did not have pliers on me or gloves.  I refuse to cut the line and send any fish back in the water with a lodged hook.  An old man saw my problem and came over and had that thing off the line, post haste, all with bare hands.  I thanked him and gave him my hardly used pound of squid and went on my way.  The above drawing, in addition to being tedious and repetitive, has proportion problems but I needed to post.  That is St. Joseph island in the background.  Normally when I catch small fish I give them to the ever present cranes and pelicans but they will not even look at a gafftop for obvious reasons.
Never mind what you read in Redwall, bunnies do not like fish!


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