

Born in Latvia in 1887, he was jilted by his bride to be and came to the United States, working in lumber.  He bought a small plot of land in Florida, and there he showed the world a never matched before or since engineering and artistic marvel.

Coral Castle.

This is 2000 tons of coral he quarried and moved by himself.  No one ever saw how he did this.  When asked, Edward would tell the person that he understood how the pyramids were built.  I believe him.

This nine ton stone gate would move if a child pushed it.  It had to be repaired and does not work as well as when built.  It was supported on a truck axle bearing and that is what gave out, not the gate itself.  It had to be dismantled to replace the bearing and it took a lot of guys and machines to do so. 

Ed lived in the second story of this structure of 240 tons of coral.  It is furnished with all coral furniture.  In 1936 he moved his project to Homestead.  By himself.

There is no mystery about what he did, but the precise way he did it is still unknown.  It did involve block and tackle with telephone pole shears and tripods.  There are many ways to move big things with little things.  He certainly used rockers and counterweights.  Ask Archimedes about this, after he pulled a trireme unto shore by himself.  Yeah, baby!

Wild Women of Wongo, 1958.



The tower on the left is the Observatory, precisely aligned on the North Star.  No, I seem to be mistaken.  Here is the Polaris observatory:

I have no idea what the other thing is, I cannot find it on the net.  Fuck it, it's a big stone a guy carved and moved by himself.  What more could you ask for in a marvel?



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