
Showing posts from June, 2017

Ron's Rockouts

This is Robert Kinsey on drums, Ronnie's Rockouts. This picture is from Portales, N. M. in the 1950's.  The guy on the drums is the father of a very good friend of mine, Robert Kinsey, the distinguished artist and stage designer out in California.  The tall guy in the middle is Ronnie Cox, of the Deliverance guitar and banjo scene.  The other guy with the telecaster is one of the Cox boys.  The cat on the scooter with the lovely black gutiar is Ricky Cox, and he cut a song with the Chantrelles.   Not at all shabby, huh?  The man on the bongos is Pat Hunt, and him and his wife Suzy are good friends with my buddy Bob to this day.  He is a linguistics professor at SF state. Ronnie Cox, Deliverance. The song is actually played by Eric Weissberg and Steve Mandell on guitar, but that is Ronnie playing on film and you will notice the fingering is correct.  Not ...

They Did Not Make The Sun Stand Still, But They Sure Made Him Run!

In 1927, Charles Lindbergh exploded onto the world stage with his stunning flight of the Atlantic, solo.  Lindbergh was an excellent pilot with no lack of skill and courage.  Later it would be revealed that he was treasonous, not near as intelligent as presented, and so arrogant as to think that it was his duty to commit adultery and propagate more children for the benefit of the world's genetic pool.  He was a one hit wonder, and never surpassed or equaled his flight that brought him so much fame.  In a fit of pique against Roosevelt, he resigned his Colonelcy from the Army Air Corps and played into the president's hands.  He was refused permission to serve in WWII unless he apologized for his blatant defeatism and pro Axis statements. He later served as a flying instructor and shot down at least one Japanese plane.  In his diary he did nothing but bitch about the war and the American way of waging it. But it is possible that two far be...

Django's Guitar

Above is the guitar immortal, Jean "Django" Reinhardt.  The instrument is a Selmer Modele Jazz.  It was made by Selmer in conjunction with Maccaferri.  Only 885 were made, production ceased in 1952.  This guitar could cut through background music with a loud, sharp edge to the sound.  In the pre-electric days guitars were drowned out by the other instruments, even resonators could not completely overcome background music.  This is the very reason electric guitars were invented.  Django endorsed Selmer, they gave him some of the guitars he later sold or gave away. Because Reinhardt was extremely generous, it is thought that many of these were given to friends.  Today there are only two known for sure that he owned.  This is number 503, he played it until his death in 1953. This is 704, confirmed shipped to Reinhardt in 1948. (The clerk wrote 'Django Raynal' in the records). Somewhere it...

Billy Dixit

(Due to the difficulty of putting these in order by time, all new posts on this sequential will be on this page) Today is the Fourth, and I am down on the beach with my cap and scepter of office.  I fill the position of "Village ----".  Can you guess what it is?  Earlier today, I took my last ten bucks and bought a bottle of wine for the fireworks watching.  When I opened the car door, the ---- rolled out and smashed on the ground.  Well, everyone celebrates in their own way. The Iron Law of Internet Posting. *OK, about the hummingbird thing.  In 1996 I was leaving for work.  I stepped into my garage, and there was a hummingbird trapped inside.  He was disoriented and kept running into the fluorescent light just over my head.  I reached over and plucked him from the air.  I took him to work in a jar and sho...


And...What's All This Then? I have finished the first five pages of my attempt at a sequential comic.  Most of it is single pages, I am very far sighted now and have trouble working with less than a page of paper.  I need to outline this and then I will post it.  I am still withdrawing from social media and I do miss it so.  But no one misses me and that is something with which my ego up will not put. This is starting to tick me off, maybe I will never be top of the line but my work is not boring.  So dull, so static. So boring, so lacking in intelligence and completely ungrounded in western art.  I sure have some nerve thinking I can draw.  My God!  Does this fool think he can draw sexy, dynamic men?  Everyone on the web can do better than this.  Just check out FurAffinity or Inkbunny, super genius artists the lot of them!   Why anyone ever looked at my s...

Steve Davis Gives Us A Choice

This? Or this? You decide.   steve @_livingdog - Instagram

The Prisoner

Patrick McGoohan, American born Irish actor.  Below is a clip from Braveheart, proving that age did not blunt this actor's ability to convey intelligence and ruthlessness:       I am a huge fan of McGoohan, primarily because of the series "The Prisoner".  That was hands down the most intelligent thing ever put on the small screen.  He wrote and produced the show.  Telling the story of a British agent who quits the service, it is a tangle of paranoia and sci/fi special effects that holds up superbly to this day.  I think he is the most intense actor I have ever seen.  He was a boxer while young, the only thing we have in common. The Scarecrow of Romney Marsh, Disney. John Drake, Danger Man. Danger Man.      I have not yet seen one episode of this, but that is going to change.  I like McGoohan because of the Prisoner, which I saw when it first aired ...