Ron's Rockouts

This is Robert Kinsey on drums, Ronnie's Rockouts.

This picture is from Portales, N. M. in the 1950's.  The guy on the drums is the father of a very good friend of mine, Robert Kinsey, the distinguished artist and stage designer out in California.  The tall guy in the middle is Ronnie Cox, of the Deliverance guitar and banjo scene.  The other guy with the telecaster is one of the Cox boys.  The cat on the scooter with the lovely black gutiar is Ricky Cox, and he cut a song with the Chantrelles.

Not at all shabby, huh? 
The man on the bongos is Pat Hunt, and him and his wife Suzy are good friends with my buddy Bob to this day.  He is a linguistics professor at SF state.

Ronnie Cox, Deliverance.

The song is actually played by Eric Weissberg and Steve Mandell on guitar, but that is Ronnie playing on film and you will notice the fingering is correct.  Not so the banjo, which is an open back and not the resonator banjo heard on the soundtrack.  In a "Stargate" scene Ron Cox plays a villainous guitar playing president of the United States named Robert Kinsey, a complete coincidence without a doubt!  Bob's dad met Buddy Holly in a record store once in Lubbock.  I went to Texas Tech and I had John Denver's old room in Carpenter Hall, which is not like meeting Buddy Holly but a hell of a lot like realizing that college was not for me.  They made that perfectly clear.

All good things must come to an end.

Rock on, Rock out!


  1. this is very good and I appreciate your effort.

  2. Good to hear Mr. Clark but what efforts do you refer to? Do you have a connection with this? Please let me know by all means!


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