Some Kind Of Portent

Less than an hour ago I was in my lawn chair out front practicing guitar and drinking a beer.  I heard the fluffle of a large bird landing in the palm tree I am sitting under, not unusual, and I hear something hit the ground right in front of me.  That sounds like a snake, thinks I, and sure enough, there was two foot of snake all coiled up and giving me the stink-eye.

 It was a diamond back water snake, harmless but extremely aggressive.  This explains why he was acting like he was going to bite.  He was trying to crawl up the palm tree but kept sliding off.  Well.  One lucky snake.  I mean this motherfucker fell less than 8 feet away.  I was playing and singing along with I Shall Not Be Moved, an old Charlie Patton number that only requires three frets.  But moved I was!  The sun was just going down.  I poked at him until he got under a brush pile.  Best of luck to you, flying snake, keep going pal, nothing to eat here.

And that was my Sunday.  Hope yours was just as good!

And here is a lagniappe,  the immortal Mississippi John Hurt!

What a day this has been here on this salt flat abomination!


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