No Better

Hannes Bok.  This guy would paint on anything he found, with anything, and probably starved to death.  I don't like calling someone a genre artist, this artwork is as good as it gets.


This is about the time that Sci-Fi started getting really imaginative, and away from the space opera stuff.  The trend begins with Stanley G. Weinbaum's "A Martian Odyssey".

This is just showing off.

Most of these were thrown away, that is all pulp art, as when the magazines moved if the artist did not want it back, it got tossed.  

What a talent.

My fave.

Space Cat Makes A Deal.

Too much, baby.

I don't know... I can see the giant cat but not riding him sidesaddle.

Hmmm...I can see riding the lizard but those trousers just have to go!

Words just fail me on how good this guy was.

Here there be genius.

Hannes Bok.

What a fucking shame. Dead at 49.  Our loss and Heaven's gain, if Sci-Fi artists go to Heaven, which I very much doubt.  I know furry artists are not permitted!


  1. Yes!!! Look at the unique style, look at the alluring creative Characters/portraits, the shear beauty of this Artist! I would be elated to see artists like this back on top and highly popular again. Art like this is what I call genius!


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