Tomorrow I Set Up Our On-Line Store

Well, it's that time.  I have built up a truly awesome collection of desirable things, and I have now been nagged enough to get off my ass and put them in our on-line shop, which I will not name now.  I am not going to sell any of my weapons or wooden things, but everything else will go.  I am going to offer these at lower prices than eBay, much lower.  Most of these things I bought on the cheap, it is amazing what you can find if you look hard enough.  
Many of these things I posted pictures of earlier in this blog, but since losing my phone I have ceased doing so.  Nearly everything I have bought will go up for sale.  I have been doing this for over 25 years and I hate to part with my precious, er, beloved objects.  When I worked antiques in Austin many moons ago I got to where I really like what in the trade are called "smalls".  I hated carrying furniture and I still do.  I have found some truly good bargains and now I have to photograph it all and sort it all into collections.
How many people buy a 1962 Kay Valmont for 2 dollars and know what it is, especially through the fucked up paintjob and general abuse?  I'm good at this, one of the very few things I can say that about.
Oh, and a shout out to the ladies at Starbucks today.  Make my day!


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