Fucked Up Ink

Beano, 1938.  English.

Ebony White, from The Spirit.  This shows how much times have changed.  Will Eisner is known for thoughtful, intelligent and super well drawn action with a concience. 
There is noway he thought this was racist, and it is.  As I recall, however, Ebony is not used as a Stepin Fetchit, this was just the way Eisner decided to draw him.  I bet he felt bad later in life.

Everyone knows that Archie is and always has been boring, idiotic, and repetitive.  Presumably there are professional writers lurking around the bull pen.  This is beyond no excuse.

C.C.Beck was a genius artist.  He gets a pass for this, maybe he didn't write it.  SHAZAM!  Uh, it seems he did this all the time-

For shame, Mr. Beck.

Well, I'll be!

This appears to be Warner Brothers.

This is what happens when you start a war you cannot win.

Sometimes even I am astonished at how ignorant some people could be.  There is no excuse for this.
I would also like to put up billboards with this on it in Ferguson and Baltimore.  Yes I would.

A product should have a memorable name.

Two inspiring Herge comics about incompleted genocide.

Tom of Finland's entry into D.C. Comics.

I really don't know where to begin about this.

The worst thing that ever happened to comics.  This helped fuck up my childhood.  Thank God for the undergrounds!

Gee, Uncle Ed, that tickles.  I don't want to play this game no more!

Different strokes, and all that!

Manly Action For A Man's Man!  I think this artist must have been jerking off to J.C. Leydendecker

Game, set, and match.  Point proven.

Harlem on the Prairie really broke new ground.

Believe it or not, this made a lot of money, and Hollywood ignored the implications.

What the fuck is wrong with this?  The flamethrower is operated by an O351, just like me.
Hell, yeah, baby!

Oh, the humanity.  The end of superheroes as we know them.
Au revoir, mes enfants.


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