Bucky O'Hare

Here is a very well drawn Bucky O'Hare from Murasaki1991.  Bucky was an kid's cartoon that I completely missed back in the day.   He was a space captain involved with something called the Toad Wars.  The cartoon does nothing for me but Jonny Quest probably would not make the cut today!  The bunny's expression is so alive I thought I should copy this for my own rabbit.  I have to say I have not seen the comic.  Comic art usually does not survive animation, just look at the original Spider Man!


  Well dressed and with two epaulets.  In the British Navy that meant captain or above.

Mike Golden with one of his Bucky drawings.  The one in his hands is terrific and I wonder that the cartoon was not more in this vein.  But I, of course, dig black and white over color.  The pic that Mike is holding is outstanding in every way.
Oh, and Mike is the artist for the whole Bucky thing.  Larry Hama was the writer.

Another Murasaki1991 drawing.  Dynamic, alive, provocative, capable!

This one is by TotalMayhem on DeviantArt.  Is it me or does he look like Pennywise?  Well, check out his page-


Spot on, Billy.  Way to point things out!

Check out this guy's page.  He has a thing for brazen poses and tight unitards, just perfect.

This is by fedde on DeviantArt.  See what I mean about black and white art?



Our childhood was filled with thoughts of joy and gladness,
We lived our lives, oblivious to the world
And all the hardships, wars, the grief and sadness,
We stood, waiting for our lives to be unfurled.
We had time to grow, and gain an understanding,
Of each new phase, each change along the way,
As we grew slowly, our senses all expanding,
So with clarity, we slowly changed our play.

Ernestine Northover


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