Sunday Sampler, A Graffo Presentation

My brother is a fantastic artist.  He puts these cartoons up on Instagram and gets very few readers.  Even I, ignored at light speed that I am, do better in the audience department.  I am trying to draw cute and humorous animals, and I would love to have the vitality of his drawings.  
This is one of the reasons I am so bitter and violent.  Yesterday, at the beach, I walked over to a small boy building a sand castle and took his bucket and shovel, crushing his castle with my foot as I did so.  When I left him he was crying his eyes out.  But, and this is the point of my anecdote, I did feel sorta bad about it for awhile.
Everyday in every way I get better and better.

Here we see Graffo's dark, malevolent, twisted psyche in full bloom, in this staggering display of misogyny and scientific horror.
Ha ha!  Gotcha!  This drawing don't mean shit.  Otto Soglow had better watch out!

Poster for Charles Joseph Carter, 1874-1936.  Due to all the magic acts in the U.S., he took his show overseas.  He was very famous.  His signature feat was being hung and vanishing as he dropped through the scaffold.  Died in India at the age of 61, far too fucking young.

One More.

These are just awesome.  Oh, well, onward and upward.

I also got sent this.  I thought I recognized the artist and sure enough, this is by the incredible Joseph Wright of Derby.  I thought this reminiscent of the Experiment With The Air Pump, which I reproduce here for the edification of any mystified readers out there, unlikely as that may be.

Two Girls Dressing A Kitten By Candlelight, Joseph Wright, c. 1770.  The overheated writer of the Wiki article thinks this is forced transvestism and upper class female cruelty.  Whatever, dude.

An Experiment With A Bird In The Air Pump, 1768.  Angus Mckie referenced this is Heavy Metal back in the day, which is how I found out about this artist.  I like Angus Mckie also.

Shall I save the bird or not?  But if the bird lives, all scientific knowledge is lost forever.
Choose, reader, but decide wisely!


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