Cosmo Cat

Cosmo Cat # 1,  All Top Comics - Fox Feature Syndicate, art by Ellis Chambers.  Dig this -

Cosmo worked in atomic arsenal and set off a bomb, irradiating him with super powers, etc... etc...
He has a base on the moon and watches over the Earth with a 'telefinder'.  Cosmo travels in a Cat Rocket powered by Blaster Beams.  He also takes Cosmic Catnip Capsules, as do I.

Ellis Chambers, and pretty good at that.

I'm Cosmo Cat, Mother-fucker! 

No doubt.

Cosmo will probably show up on the Doctor Phil show talking about this.

This ran with Cosmo, Roscoe the hard luck bear.

For cryin' out loud in church.

Elf lives matter, folks.  Comic artists don't.

Cosmo sold in Australia.

Does anyone else find this odd?

This out of context panel sums up perfectly how I feel about ol' Cosmo here.  Great art, lame idea, bad stories.  You MUST write well no matter what the genre is.  Art is to words as shaving cream is to water, the cream is to carry the water into the beard and does no good on it's own.  Therefore art is to carry the concept to the brain, by itself it is meaningless, like anything by Jackson Pollack.
Cosmo had a sometime non-super sidekick, Dunky Duck, who used a jet pack to fly with.  I cannot find him anywhere, maybe the artist already was fed up with the stories he had to work with.

R.I.P. Cosmo Cat, 1946-47.


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