I Meant To Write 'Rogue Rabbit'

Flamma has risen above his slave background and is now commanding one of the legions set to attack the pastoral rabbit peoples, and bring them under the fist of New Rome.  The wolves follow the Alpha, and as long as the rabbit delivers pillage, plunder, and Pluto he will have no worries about their obedience.  That was settled in a spectacularly treacherous move on Flamma's part, and in full view of the assembled legions.  What is left of the warmness of the rabbit peoples in this bunny''s heart is not much.  The general only sees the job at hand and not the distractions of empathy.  And yes, the title does say 'Rougue' but I meant to write 'Rogue' and I thought I had written 'Rouge'.  As Flamma is the Red Rabbit rouge works, kinda, in French.
There is no room for sentiment in business.


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