Frost And Fire

     Flight Sergeant William 'Billy' Bunny in his Spitfire Mark IIa waits to scramble with the rest of his squadron at RAF Biggen Hill, 11 Group.  Sgt Bunny smokes a forbidden cigarette and is a considerable discipline problem, but his score of 3 Jerries and 1 probable so far keeps him in action.  Before the war he was lumberjacking in Manitoba when he wasn't in jail.  He tried to enlist in the Finnish Air Forces under his real name, when deported from Finland back to Canada he made sure never to make that mistake again.  An old grade school buddy will be astonished when he reads about his own memorial service and list of honors.  This goes out to, who probably wanted far more machine than rabbit.  But, we are.

I wanted to draw something like this.

Or this...

Or this.  But these are by Wally Wood, and I was under no illusions that I could get anywhere near this sort of work.  So I tried - 

Alas.  This thing is total imagination and even it is beyond me.  When I was a tyke I can remember walking to the local convenience store wearing galoshes and a towel for a cape, I was in a combo Blackhawk/Batman state of mind.  I paid 12 cents for a new Blackhawk, I was wearing the galoshes to look like I was wearing knee boots, something I have loved ever since I started watching TV and reading comics.  I guess the guy there was used to kids.  Blackhawk is Polish and still has the best uniform I have ever seen, although right now all I need is the hat and boots.  Ummm, maybe the scarf.  The Chinese guy in the left hand column is Chop Chop, and was drawn accordingly.

Even this is beyond my skills.

Much more like it.  And that is my plane art story.

Billy D Bunny.  Working for air supremacy since 1965.


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